Pedagogical models: as the means, not the ends of education


  • Andres Vasquez-Cantillo



Education, as a means of forming the coming generations in the rules established by a culture, is of vital importance for every society that seeks to prepare its members to be capable of maintaining and developing it. This would not be possible without the pedagogical models that nourish it. Since the educational process assumes principles and theoreticalmethodological

positions, it also is concerned with the pedagogical-formative task. This essay seeks to provide some reflections regarding cognitive factors, procedures, philosophers, politicians or politics, and historians that have impeded the idealization of pedagogical models.



 Education, Formation, Formation Process, Pedagogical models, Ideal, Formation Ideal, Historical subject, teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Vasquez-Cantillo, A. (2017). Pedagogical models: as the means, not the ends of education. REVISTA ADELANTE-AHEAD, 2(1). Retrieved from



Investigaciones Académicas