A critical-reflective look at the role of the innovative teacher


  • Gladys Cecilia Coronel-Garcia




This analysis is relevant to the teacher training process, in those circumstances where teachers wish to bring about a pleasurable encounter between knowledge and students. It is therefore necessary that in each of our classes we implement innovative strategies, in order to generate enthusiasm and motivation in the learners. They, in turn, become interested in what they

are going to learn and explore, investigate and consult so as to foment creativity and production. To this we add autonomy that is encouraged or developed in the students during this process, as well as excellent opportunities for healthy interpersonal relations both in and outside the classroom.


The objective of this analysis was to uncover the innovative teacher's pedagogical methods which allowed us to observe the pedagogical actions of innovative teachers. During the research we observed how some teachers are dynamic and creative, while others are routine and monotonous in their educational tasks. Because of this, some students in the latter group of teachers are disorderly in class, show no interest in asking questions and participating, and do not do homework. This generates low academic performance and discipline problems. On the other hand, students of the teachers that make each class interesting, are well-behaved and participate. They are productive and are eager to learn and do their work.



Teacher, Innovation, Teaching, Learning and Creativity.


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Cómo citar

Coronel-Garcia, G. C. (2017). A critical-reflective look at the role of the innovative teacher. REVISTA ADELANTE-AHEAD, 2(1). Recuperado a partir de http://sma.unicolombo.edu.co/index.php/adelante-ahead/article/view/19



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